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Parshas Shlach

10/21/2009 09:08:24 AM


Rabbi Moshe Lieber


Written in honor of the upcoming Chasuna of Sruly Samet

The sin of the Meraglim is described in the Torah as adultery (see Shlach, Perek 14, Posuk 33). Lashon Hora, lying perhaps, misleading, but why adultery?

It says in the Medrash that when Hashem changed Sarai's name to Sarah, the letter yud cried. Why should I be removed from the name of a tzadekes? Hashem assured the yud that it...Read more...

I Can't Take It Anymore

10/21/2009 09:00:31 AM


Rabbi Moshe Lieber

When Hashem tells Moshe Rabbeinu that He would redeem the Jews He says “And I shall take you out from under the burdens of Egypt” (Shemos 6:6).What exactly does this mean?

An amazing reinterpretation of the Mei HaShiloach sheds light on this. The Midrash teaches that no slave was able to escape Egypt. Simply this seems to portray a concentration camp...Read more...

Enslaved to “Freedom”

10/21/2009 08:58:53 AM


Rabbi Moshe Lieber


After the Jews had left Egypt Hashem tells Moshe to have them turn around and return towards Egypt as a ploy to lure Pharaoh to chase them so that the grand finale – the splitting of the Reed Sea – could happen. He tells them to camp at Pi-hahiroth [literally the mouth of freedom] so that...Read more...

Toras Chaim

10/21/2009 08:57:08 AM


Rabbi Moshe Lieber

Toward the end of the Parashah the Torah teaches that Hashem commanded Moshe to alight Har Sinai. Moshe Rabbeinu then came and told the words of Hashem to the People. After writing the Sefer HaBris he built an Altar where they brought two types of Korbonos, Olos and Shelamim. Moshe placed half of the blood on the Altar and half he sprinkled on the People who then...Read more...

Partners in Creation

10/21/2009 08:19:23 AM


Rabbi Moshe Lieber

“Let us make Man in Our image” is the way that the Torah describes the creation of Man. Although Hashem alone created us the Torah speaks in the plural, Let us make Man. Rashi explains that this teaches us to act with humility and consult with others, even those less brilliant or talented, before making major  decisions. Although Hashem is perfection defined and needs no help, He teaches us to...Read more...

The Straw that Broke the Camel’s Back

10/21/2009 08:11:18 AM


Rabbi Moshe Lieber

The world was full of idolatry, murder and gross immorality and yet Hashem sealed the decree and brought the Flood because of theft. “The end of all flesh has come before Me for the earth is filled with robbery through them”. Why was robbery seen as so severe a sin that it sealed their fate?

The Dubno Maggid offers a stunning parable: A man made a banquet for his friends and acquaintances serving...Read more...

Spiritual Recharge

10/21/2009 08:04:09 AM


Rabbi Moshe Lieber

The Torah tells us that “it occurred as he [Avram] was about to enter Egypt …See, I now know that you are a woman of beautiful appearance”. Rashi notes that until this time Avram had never noticed how beautiful a woman Sari was. This seems incredulous. How could he have been unaware of his wife’s beauty? Furthermore this flies in the face of the dictum of the Gemara (Kiddushin 42a) which...Read more...

Becoming Me!

10/21/2009 08:01:26 AM


Rabbi Moshe Lieber

Life’s tests often seem to us to be unfortunate episodes that crop up along the highway of life impeding our pursuit of happiness. The Torah provides us with a radically different perspective on the gift called Nisyonos.

When Hashem tests someone it is totally for the benefit of the individual. A nisayon permits us to translate potential into reality and affords us the opportunity to achieve heights as...Read more...

Walk a Mile for a Camel

10/21/2009 07:56:36 AM


Rabbi Moshe Lieber

Camels play a disproportionately large role in the story of Eliezer’s quest until he found Rivka for Yitzchak.

When he met her at the well, the Torah tells us that he waited with bated breath to see if she was the baalas chessed he sought for Yitzchak. “And it was, when the camels had finished drinking, the man took a golden nose ring etc.” What was so significant about the fact that the...Read more...


10/11/2009 08:49:15 AM



Cheilev Nachum



Parshas Toldos

06/11/2009 08:08:49 PM


Rabbi Moshe Lieber

By: Rabbi Moshe Lieber
Date: November 27, 2008

Eating it Raw


When Eisav comes in from the field ravenously hungry he says to Yaakov “‘Please ( ...Read more...

Parshat Ki Tavo

09/15/2008 02:39:04 PM


This week's Torah reading, Ki Savo (Deuteronomy 26:1-29:8), discusses the concept of the first fruits offering, Bikkurim. The Torah explains the commandment to bring an offering of the "first fruits" which the land yielded, upon entering and settling in the Land of Israel.

There are two opinions in the teachings of our Sages concerning this commandment. The Midrash Sifri maintains that every individual was...Read more...

Thu, March 13 2025 13 Adar 5785