The Creation of Sight
08/12/2011 10:12:35 AM
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R Pesach Siegel
Parshas Va'eschanan
The parshah begins with Moshe Rabeinu beseeching Hashem to allow him to enter and behold with his eyes the Land of Israel. Hashem denies his supplication owing to the lack of kiddush shem shamayim which arose from Moshe hitting the rock to bring forth its water rather than speaking to it. What is the connection, the midda k'neged...Read more...
The Creation of Sight
08/12/2011 10:11:01 AM
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Rabbi Pesach Siegel
Parshas Va'eschanan
The parshah begins with Moshe Rabeinu beseeching Hashem to allow him to enter and behold with his eyes the Land of Israel. Hashem denies his supplication owing to the lack of kiddush shem shamayim which arose from Moshe hitting the rock to bring forth its water rather than speaking to it. What is the connection, the midda...Read more...
Mourning One's Self - 5771
08/04/2011 11:49:49 AM
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R Pesach Siegel
Self Mourning 5771
Parshas Masei begins with the departure of the Bnei Yisroel from Mitzrayim. They left as the Egyptians were burying their children, the ones who died in the plague of the first- born.1
The Torah then relates the masa’os, the travels, throughout the desert. Rashi comments that the vast...Read more...
Tinted Glasses
06/17/2011 11:23:20 AM
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R Pesach Siegel
Tinted Glasses
The understanding behind the atzas meraglim, the counsel of the spies is elusive. They are referred to in the Torah as anashim. The term anashim denotes chashivus (distinction). They were keshayrim (proper/fit).1
Mori VeRabi, Rav Chaim Schmelczer, z”l, expounded on man’s...
Parshas BaMidbar 5771
05/27/2011 10:14:28 AM
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R Pesach Siegel
Parshas BaMidbar 5771 – As A Baby in the Womb
Sefer BaMidbar encapsulates Klal Yisroel's journey through the barren desert. The Ramban comments that the posukim reveal no intrinsic mitzvos that apply for all generations. It is a period when Klal Yisroel existed on a higher level, removed from the world. It was a period of formation...Read more...
Elijah's Fingers
05/20/2011 10:24:04 AM
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R Pesach Siegel
Parshas BeChukosai 5771
In this week’s Torah portion, the blessings are revealed to all those who keep the laws of Hashem. They are reserved for one who toils in Torah with all his might.
The Ramban comments by saying the when an individual acts in accordance with the will of Hakodosh...Read more...
Parshas Behar
05/15/2011 05:18:11 PM
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Rabbi Pesach Siegel
This week’s parshah begins with: "And Hashem said to Moshe on Har Sinai saying:" The following pesukim then begin to speak about the holy mitzvah of Shmittah.
Rashi, quoting the Toras Kohanim asks, “Why is the mitzvah of Shmittah singled out here to have been spoken about on Har Sinai; all the mitzvos were given to Moshe equally at Matan Torah?”
G-d's Wrath
03/25/2011 11:03:53 AM
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Rav Pesach Siegel
Parshas Shemini 5771
The work on the Mishkan had been completed. During the last seven days of the month of Adar, Moshe Rabeinu acted in the position of the Kohen Gadol.1 On the eighth day, the first of the month of Nisan, Moshe Rabeinu summoned Aharon, his sons, and the elders. He told Aharon, “Take for yourself a calf...Read more...
03/18/2011 09:40:34 AM
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Purim - The Aroma of Life
The gemora in Meseches Chullin poses four questions. Where is Moshe Rabeinu to be found in the Torah, where is Haman, where is Mordechai, and where is Esther? 1
Moshe Rabeinu is found in the portion of the Torah following the flood. The posuk says,...Read more...
Nineteen Blessings 5771
03/04/2011 09:12:25 AM
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Rav Pesach Siegel
Parshas Pikudei 5771
These are the pikudei haMishkan. The word pikudei means “countings.” Indeed, that seems to be the entire theme that runs through the parsha. An accounting is given of all the raw materials used in the construction of the Mishkan. The Torah informs us of the sum total of all the donations. It...Read more...
Parshas Vayakhel 5771
02/25/2011 07:53:08 AM
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Rav Pesach Siegel
Parshas VaYakhel 5771
And Moshe Rabeinu spoke to the Bnei Yisroel, “See, Hashem has called upon the name of Betzalel the son of Uri the son of Chur of the tribe of Yehudah. He has filled him with the spirit of Elokim, with chochmah, tevunah and da’as. He has granted him the ability to instruct others, him and Ahaliyav the son...Read more...
Parshas Ki Sisa 5771
02/18/2011 08:08:56 AM
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Rav Pesach Siegel
Parshas Ki Sisa 5771
The sixth day of the month of Sivan was the momentous day of the giving of the Torah. Moshe Rabeinu ascended Har Sinai. The Bnei Yisroel observed and listened as Hashem spoke directly to Moshe. The words of the Ten Commandments...Read more...
Parshas Tetzaveh
02/12/2011 02:32:31 PM
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Rabbi Pesach Siegel
Parshas Tetzave 5771
Hashem speaks to Moshe Rabeinu, “And you, bring your brother, Aharon, close.” Aharon is to be the one who performs the service in the Mishkan. His children will carry on his legacy after his passing. Special garments are to be fashioned for them. 1
Parshas Mishpatim 5771
01/30/2011 06:55:49 AM
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Rabbi Pesach Siegel
Immediately following the giving of the Torah, Moshe Rabeinu is instructed to place before the Bnei Yisroel, a collation of mishpatim (statutes). He is to array the laws in an orderly manner, as one would set an elegant table, and indulge his charges with a veritable feast of Torah. 1
What follows are the laws that govern our interaction with one another; the prohibitions against murder,...Read more...
Parshas Yisro 5771
01/23/2011 03:00:45 PM
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Rabbi Siegel
Yisro heard. He heard of the miracles that Hashem performed for Moshe Rabeinu and his nation. He came to join the Children of Israel in the desert.
Yisro was unable to penetrate the clouds of glory to enter the camp of the Bnei Yisroel. He sent a message attached to an arrow asking Moshe Rabeinu to come out to him. 1 The Targum Yonason Ben Uziel states that Moshe went out to convert Yisro, thus...Read more...
Parshas Beshalach 5771
01/15/2011 07:12:47 PM
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Rabbi Pesach Siegel
In the portion of Parshas Beshalach, the Jewish nation emerges. The connection to the slavery of Egypt is severed. Their souls burst out with the praise of Az Yashir, which is the preliminary to the receiving of the Torah.
The posuk says, “Vayehi beshalach Pharaoh es ha’am” – and it was when Pharaoh sent out the nation, and G-d did not lead them along the way of the...Read more...
Parshas Bo 5771
01/07/2011 08:34:05 AM
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Rabbi Siegel
The Torah places an obligation upon us. As it says, "Ul'maan tisaper bi'aznei bincha u'ben bincha es asher his'alalti biMitzrayim" - In order for you to relate over to your son and your son’s son that which I played with Mitzrayim. 1
It is insufficient to relate over to the following generations the miraculous events of the exodus. We must include in our transmission the manner with...Read more...
Parshas Vayechi
12/17/2010 02:06:41 AM
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Rabbi Pesach Siegel
Yosef HaTzadik hears that his father is deathly ill. He takes his two sons, Menashe and Ephraim to his father’s bedside. Yaakov Avenu strengthens himself and addresses his son; “G-d appeared to me in Luz, in Eretz Canaan. He blessed me. Be fruitful and multiply. Great nations will descend from you. I will give this land to your issue for all eternity.” 1
Yaakov continues, “Your two...Read more...Parshas Miketz/VaYigash
12/09/2010 04:30:27 PM
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Rabbi Pesach Siegel
Yosef’s brothers descend to Mitzrayim to find sustenance for their families.
They are apprehended and accused of spying. Protesting their innocence, they tell of their family in Eretz Canaan. They were once twelve. One of their brothers has departed this world, another, the youngest, remained with their father.
Yosef, in his guise of...
Parshas Vayeshev 5771
11/28/2010 06:01:55 PM
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Rabbi Siegel
The parsha begins with the words, “Vayeshev Yaakov b’eretz migurei aviv b’Eretz Canaan.” 1 Rashi explains, the word vayeshev conveys Yaakov Avenu’s wish to dwell in tranquility, in the Land of Israel, where his forefathers lived.
Hakodesh Baruch Hu seemingly rebukes Yaakov Avenu, saying, “Is...
Parshas Vayetzei 5771
11/14/2010 05:31:25 AM
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Rabbi Pesach Siegel
Yaakov Avenu left Eretz Yisroel from the city of Be’er Sheva. On his way to Charan, the Torah says, Vayifgah bamakom - He made contact with “The Place”. He prayed at the future site of the Beis HaMikdash.
The Medrash says that Yaakov went from Be’er Sheva, through Yerushalayim to Beis El. Upon approaching Beis El, Yaakov realized...Read more...
Parshas Noach 5771
10/11/2010 07:03:38 AM
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Rabbi Pesach Siegel
Hashem decreed destruction upon His world. The world was rife with immorality and thievery. He bought upon it a flood.A small remnant would be allowed to survive, Noach, his sons, and their wives. The entire year of the flood they would float above the destruction.
The giant, Og, who was to become the king of Bashan, swam alongside the ark. The waters directly adjacent to...Read more...
Parshas Ki Savo 5770
08/28/2010 07:03:35 PM
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Rabbi Siegel
The mitzvah of bringing the first yield of one’s produce to the Beis HaMikdash (bikurim) is accompanied by a verbal declaration. “Arami oved avi vayered Mitzrayma” – Lavan, the trickster destroyed my father Yaakov, and he descended to Egypt.
The commentaries attempt to explain the link between Lavan’s despicable treatment of Yaakov Avenu and...Read more...
Parshas Shoftim 5770
08/15/2010 05:17:49 AM
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Rabbi Pesach Siegel
Parshas Shoftim 5770
Ki sei’tze lamil’chama – When you go out to war. (1) There is a prescribed procedure. A Kohen, anointed especially for war, speaks to the people. He must speak to them in lashon kodesh – the holy tongue. (2) He calls out “Shema Yisroel”. He exhorts the people not to fear the clanging of the enemy’s shields, the...Read more...
Shabbos Nachamu 5770
07/23/2010 10:30:33 AM
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Rabbi Siegel
Parshas Va’Eschanan 5770
(Based on the Sefer Nesivos Shalom of the Slonimer Rebbe, z”l)
Moshe Rabeinu beseeches Hashem. He pleads to be allowed to enter Eretz Yisroel. His prayers go unanswered. He will die and be buried in the desert. Even his bones will not be allowed to enter Eretz Yisroel.
The Aseres HaDibros are repeated.
The Haftorah of this week starts out with the words...Read more...
Parshas Devarim/Chazon 5770
07/18/2010 06:05:18 AM
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Rabbi Pesach Siegel
This week’s Parsha is one of hidden rebuke. Moshe Rabeinu, out of sensitivity for the honor of the Bnei Yisroel couches his rebuke in names of places. He chastises them for what they did between Paran and Tofel. Paran refers to the sin of the Meraglim and Tofel to the sin of the Golden Calf.
QuestionsWhat message does the word “bein Paran u’vein Tofel”...
Parshas Chukas 5770
06/17/2010 05:51:25 PM
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Rabbi Pesach Siegel
The Bnei Yisroel came, the assemblage in its entirety, to the Desert of Tzin. Miriam died and was buried there. There was no water for the assemblage to drink. They congregated upon Moshe and Aharon. “Why did you bring the Congregation of Hashem to die in this desert?” Hashem instructed Moshe to speak to the rock. Moshe erred. Instead he smote the rock. For their error, Moshe and Aharon were punished....Read more...
Korach 5770
06/11/2010 09:35:53 AM
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Rabbi Siegel
"They (Korach and his assembly) gathered together against Moses and against Aaron and said to them It is much for you! For the entire assembly, all of them, are holy and Hashem is among them, so why do you exalt yourselves over the Congregation of Hashem?" (1)
It is difficult to understand that having been present by the receiving of the Torah we find the rebellion of Korach...Read more...
Parshas BeHa'aloscha 5770
05/27/2010 06:42:47 PM
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Rabbi Siegel
There are a number of inter-related passages and events in the parsha that bear examination. The Torah states, Vayis’u me’Har Hashem.
The Bnei Yisroel fled from Mount Sinai, as a child flees from his house of learning, fearful of additional requirements that would be laid upon him. (1)
The Aron HaBris, the one containing the fragments of the first Luchos, arose and traveled before the Bnei...Read more...
Naso 5770
05/24/2010 05:29:59 PM
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Rabbi Siegel
The Gemorah in Meseches Nazir poses the question – For what reason is the portion dealing with the Isha Sota placed adjacent to the one of the Nazir, in Parshas Naso? What possible connection exists between them? The gemora answers – In order to instruct us, to guide us – All those who witness the disgrace of the Sotah woman, as a result thereof, should distance themselves from wine by accepting the...Read more...
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12 Adar 5785
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